Organic flours in your daily diet will not only help you watch your weight but also help you keep your body healthy. Sattu, khapli wheat and sharbati wheat flour are some of the options that are rich in protein sources. These flours help increase your metabolism and boost your immunity. At Adya Organics, we produce all these flours with zero chemicals. We source our grains from MP and Bihar, and using traditional practices, identify the best grains to ground the flour. With complete control over our processes, we offer top-notch and naturally sourced flours at your doorstep.

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Sattu FrontOrganic Sattu Powder
219 197.10
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Channa Sattu FrontChanna Sattu Back
299 269.10
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besanBesan Back
150 135
10% OFF
Sattu ComboOrganic Sattu Powder
718 646.20
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Litti FlourLitti Flour Back
299 269.10
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149 134.10
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149 134.10
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129 116.10
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129 116.10