A spoonful of Honey for your Health!

Honey is a perfect addition to our daily diet. A honey bottle is constant in the pantry and it is used commonly for different culinary purposes. From adding honey to a cup of chai or whipping delicious honey-glazed dessert recipes, we use honey on a day-to-day basis. Besides, it also has different vital nutrients that are good for health. Honey doesn’t include any cholesterol, sodium and fat and is known as the sweet nectar of nature.
How to Include Honey in Your Diet
Adya Organics range of organic raw honey is unprocessed, unpasteurized, unheated, and a great natural substitute for refined sugar. Organic Honey is rich in antioxidants and comprises an array of nutrients that helps build an energetic and healthy body. Some Ways to include honey as part of your diet:
- Use honey for sweetening marinades and dressing
- Stir honey in tea or coffee
- Drizzle honey on top of pancakes and toast
- Mix honey in cereal, honey in oatmeal, yogurt to get natural sweetener
- Spread raw honey over whole grain toasts and use peanut butter to top it
What is Multiflora Raw Honey
Multiflora raw natural honey or multi flower honey has been derived from honey bees that suckle on multiple spring flowers. It is made through nectar of various flowers. The honey has a varying color, strength and taste according to nectar sources.
Adya Organics multi flora honey is extracted naturally from the beehives at Adya Organics farms where bees collect nectar naturally from multiple flowers. This multi flora honey is then collected from the beehives by the bee-keepers taking all necessary precautions.
What Is Acacia Honey?
Like other multi flora raw honey online, Acacia honey is made from Robinia pseudoacacia nectar flower, known as false acacia and black locust tree. Compared to conventional honey, it is often light in color and appear transparent. It has sweet and delicate flavor and a flower like sweet aroma.
Conveniently, the acacia honey stays liquid for longer and crystalizes slower than conventional honey. It is most likely because of high fructose content. As it abstains from solidifying for long, the honey is renowned and is expensive compared to conventional honey.
Adya Organics Acacia Honey is harvested from the dense flora located in Himachal Pradesh. This honey is produced in small batches and is 100% raw and natural.
Benefits of Multiflora Raw Honey or Acacia Raw Honey
- Organic honey promotes digestive system functions
- Efficient in prevention and treatment of common cold and upper respiratory tract infections
- Promotes peptic ulcers healing
- Avoids gastric acid hyper secretion
- A good remedy for sore throat and dry cough
- Offers a short relief from depression
- Honey has many benefits for people with heart diseases and hypertension
- It cures digestive disorders and increases appetite
- Helps boost metabolism for a healthy and fit body
- Gives instant energy boost