Jau Sattu – known as barley, is a popular grain

Jau also known as barley, is a popular grain.One such monsoon superfood is sattu, which is prepared by dry roasting barley.After roasting,the grains are sieved and grounded into fine flour. Sattu is a protein rich flour which provides multitude of health benefits.
A part from protein,sattu also contains calcium, iron,magnesium and manganese;all these essential minerals aid in tissue repair after a heavy workout. The carbohydrate present in sattu provides an instant burst of energy and is easily absorbed in the bloodstream.If one is feeling fatigued by heat and feeling drained in the sun,there is nothing better than sattu.This superfood is popularly consumed in eastern parts of India,particularly Bihar,Jharkhand and West Bengal.
Sattu is also beneficial for growing children, pregnant women and senior citizens.It is easily available, easily made and easily digested.It is extremely beneficial for glowing skin and healthy hair.
‘Sattu’ is your equivalent to a ‘WHEY PROTEIN SHAKE’. Made of roasted gram flour, this composition is one of the highest sources of vegetarian protein that is most easily absorbed by the body.
60 grams (4 tbsp) of this roasted flour will give you 19.7 grams of high quality protein along with Calcium and magnesium (a fantastic combination as magnesium helps calcium get better absorbed into the body). This makes it excellent for bone health and prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
Iron: (Iron deficiency is a leading problem and can cause severe health issues. Taking iron supplements can sometimes be too toxic to the liver and cause constipation) Natural iron is best.
Fiber: Excellent source of fiber. All of us know that fiber cleans out the colon and stomach, prevents and cures constipation and aids fat loss.Most of you will be thinking that ‘ Sattu’ will cause a lot of gas just like channa (garbanzo beans/chickpeas) do, in fact it’s just the opposite. Ayurveda states that in this form (sattu) people with gas will be relieved. It aids fat and weight loss, it’s excellent for strong sexual health and is a natural colon cleanser.For elderly people, sick people, bed ridden people, people recovering from serious diseases or surgery, sattu or roasted gram flour will build their strength and muscle mass rapidly.
4 tbsp of sattu with water or chaas (buttermilk) you may add pepper or roasted cumin (jeera) or cinnamon. Have one in the morning and one post work out, sometimes even another one as a mid-evening snack, because this glass of ‘Sattu’ fills you up and provides you more than sufficient protein.
You feel lighter, more toned, less bloated (some whey proteins cause temporary bloating) and you know what’s in your glass, unlike the numerous ingredients that you may not even understand on the jar of a whey protein.You can add jaggery to make it sweet. It’s an excellent summer drink, extremely cooling for the body.
When compared to the amount you will pay for Whey Protein, Sattu is a much cheaper and effective alternative.Putting the cost aside, what’s more important is that you know the quality of protein and what’s going into your glass. If you blend it, it’s better as it may tend to form lumps if not stirred well. Add some lemon to it and you can’t go wrong.
Many dishes can be made out of Jau sattu,such as a healthy nutritious drink,laddoo or paratha.It is an excellent source of protin for vegetarians.