Five women entrepreneurs working on environment awarded with Women Entrepreneur Awards

ManavRachna International Institute of Research and Studies (MRIIRS), ShikshaSanskritiUtthanNyaas (SSUN), and Dakshina Foundation jointly organized athree-day long international conference on ‘Environment Challenges and Solutions.’
Several women entrepreneurs presented their views on the environment challenges and solutions. Following five women entrepreneurs who have been selflessly working for the conservation of the environment were recognized with ‘Women Entrepreneur Awards’
- Pallavi Sinha, MD, Adya Organics
- Aradhana Sharma, CEO, Hara Jeevan NGO
- NamrataKwatra, Samvedna Healthcare Foundation
- Mansi Goel, Naturopath
- Aparna Rajgopal, Lawyer & Nature Lover
To conclude this international conference, a valedictory event organized today, February 2, 2020, was graced by the esteemed presence of the Chief Guest Dr.HimanshuDugar, President, Gandhi VidyaMandir, Sardarshahar; Dr.Alaknanda, Director, WIT, Dehradun; Shri Sanjay Swami, Environment Education, SSUN; Dr.SudhakariTomar, SSUN; Smt. Upasna Aggarwal, Founder & Director, Dakshina Foundation; Dr.Alokdeep; Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, VC, MRIIRS; Dr. N. C.Wadhwa, DG, MREI and several other eminent scholars.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]